Friday, January 20, 2006

Ahh, Mexico

I realize that there's an illegal immigration problem here in this great nation, and I'm not saying that all my immigrant students are illegal, but I know that there are some. Legal or illegal, I'm noticing that all my little Mexican students are WONDERFUL! Most of the little ones are still learning English and sometimes still don't know when they're speaking English or Spanish, but they are the most polite, most eager, most sharing, happy, generous students I have ever had. It's phenomenal! There are times when my classroom is complete paradise. Especially when I have a classroom full of native Mexican students...wonder what that says about Americans. I don't know for sure, but what I do know is that I'm beginning to appreciate Mexico more and more!


Fork said...

Wow. Makes me wish I worked in a building full of Mexicans.

Queen, III said...

I KNOW!!! Aren't you jealous?!

Fork said...

Wait...a Mexican just walked past our office door singing something in Mexinese very loudly. Come to think of it, the building's fancy restaurant is on the 40th there are probably a lot more Mexicans hiding in the walls than I realize! And just think! Any one of them might be a parent of one of your little hoodlums!

Queen, III said...

Exciting isn't it?!