Monday, March 20, 2006

T.O.'s coming home to mama!

That's right. Many of you may remember my long musing about Terrell Owens just a few months ago. Many of you probably came to the same conclusion: I love him - in a very obsessive, unhealthy, unrealistic way. He is a terrible man and probably not a very good person, but I don't care. I love him, even though I know I'm only talking to myself and not to him when the night is over.

So, you can imagine my clearly obsessive emotion when, whilst opening my AOL account on Saturday, the Cowboys franchise sent me an email with the title: "T.O. now a Dallas Cowboy." My heart started beating rapidly and my breath was short. Could it be? Could it be that T.O. might be 500 steps closer to actually playing on my team?! Sure, Dallas is a big place, and sure I have no professional sports connections, and sure I have never met a Dallas Cowboy ever in my life, but a girl can dream, can't she?!

I mean, doesn't it seem just a little coincidental that I break up with my boyfriend and less than a month later, T.O. shows up? What are the odds? (Please don't tell me - I want to believe they're like 1 in a million.) I'm so happy!!

I realize that all of Dallas is a flutter becuase T.O. is so cantankerous, blah, blah, blah, but he's an excellent and very, very attractive football player and isn't that what it's really about? Assembling a team of really, really hot...uh...I mean talented players?

Oh, T.O. You've come to the right place. No one can love ya' like mama can!


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Oh, no offense to your boy, but this gives me a baaaaad feeling. Shades of Dennis Rodman signing with San Antonio. Nothing but trouble from then on out!

Queen, III said...

You could very likely be right. At least he hasn't died his hair blonde or gotten nipples pierced! However, all the predictions say that he'll behave himself for at least one year, because he has to. So, we should at least look foward to one year of good football!