Friday, June 08, 2007

A Note From the Couch of Queen, III

Well summer's begun and the couch has proven to be my favorite place...or at least the place where I spend most of my time. So if you need anything, you know where to find me. Taraji's here, too, but he's usually sleeping. But, as long as you don't ask me to do anything during The People's Court, we should be okay. Please don't worry about me getting as fat as I did last summer because I'm still doing hottttt yoga. Oh! And if I'm not here on the couch, then I'm probably asleep by the pool.
Okay, tootles!!!

Yours Truly,
Queen, III


Tracy said...

I'll try not to interrupt such important viewing! Remember to wear your sunblock during your naps! :)

Queen, III said...

Always! A sunburn is NEVER attractive!

Fork said...

Good to know some things remain constant in this nutty, nutty world.

Are you sure Taraji isn't UNusually sleeping?

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

You are so lucky! I'm an actual student, and I'm busier than ever! Plus I have to walk to school in what feels like 125-degree heat. Summer school BLOWS!