Thursday, February 14, 2008

Legitimate Research

There are lots of fantastic reasons to live in El Barrio. For instance, my condo was phenomenally cheap and I'm sure that the rent is equally as cheap. I live a block from a grocery store called, "Fiesta," and trust me, if you've never been to a "Fiesta" you'll want to do all you can to find one and become a regular patron! Everyday at "Fiesta" is a fiesta, and I'm putting it lightly. Other places of interest are my alley way, which is always bustling with festive tejano music and various types of business transactions, Red Coleman's Red-E-Mart, Yin's Wok, the car wash, the park next door, and J's Food Mart. All of these places offer a variety of products which one always has a use for AND possess a fascinating clientel. But none of these appealing features can surpass the one alluring element that was the reason I moved to El Barrio in the first place: Mexican tacos.

There are so many authentic Mexican taco stands in my neighborhood, it makes my mouth water everytime I drive home. And they're all so cheap! On the high end, they cost $1.35 a taco. That's $1.35 for pure heaven. They're served just like they are in Mexico with lime, cilantro, homemade salsa in fresh corn tortillas. But, which one is the best? This mystery has plagued me ever since I moved to El Barrio. And finally, this past Saturday, with a spirit of determination, my man, my neighbor and I set out to find the best taco of El Barrio.

It was a lot harder than you might think! We had to eat until we were stuffed. So many tacos...but we forged ahead...braving the possibility of our stomachs exploding. It was tough, but with careful consideration we decided unanimously that the best tacos in El Barrio were surprisingly from the gas station, Red Coleman's Red-E-Mart, as it were. Better than Fiesta, although Fiesta has tacos for only $1 a taco, and better than Tacos y Mas! (I know. With a name like Tacos y Mas, you'd think that they'd be fantastic.) But the best part of all of this, is the peace of mind that comes with being sure of my favorite taco. I mean, even though they cost about a dollar, I still want the best money can buy.

So the next time you're rollin' through El Barrio, see for yourself. You won't be dissapointed. And remember, if you have any other needs (bootleg DVDs, illegal substances, or loud tejano music) my alley way is just around the corner.

I bet your neighborhood doesn't even offer half as much.


Unknown said...

Estoy celosa. Me gustan tacos y los actividades ilegales. Soy Mexicana en mi corazon (don't know how to put accents over letters). (don't konw how to make an upsidedown exclamation point)Un beso mojado!

Te amo, Reyna Tres. . .te amo.

Queen, III said...

Y yo tu, mi Amy, y yo tu.

Fork said...

You're right. My neighborhood is a wasteland by comparison.

I mean, despite its Zagat rating, no one REALLY eats at that authentic Enthiopian restaurant a half a block from my tenement (it's the spongebread--people have an aversion).

And are the ingredients at the Iraqi restaurant a little ways down REALLY all that fresh? You tell me.

And you can't POSSIBLY expect me to believe that the sausages at the authentic German beergarten are made with REAL schnitzels from Bavaria. I mean, REALLY. Do you know how hard it is to get really GOOD schnitzel?

Did eating all those tacos help you feel less fat?

Queen, III said...

Who cares about any of the other countries?! Everybody knows that the best food comes from Mexico. I mean, have you ever heard anyone say, "I hate Queso"?

I rest my case.

Just telling it like it is said...

I miss you and your constant support...I never laughted soooo much....always thinking of you!!!!

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Fork said...

Wait...didn't I read this post, like, a month ago?