Monday, August 21, 2006

I really didn't think this through...

So, I signed up for a half-marathon. I have to wake up at 5am every morning to go run for well over 20 minutes. I'm now incredibly busy. Remember this summer when my schedule was like this:
11 am wake up
11:05 watch a Different World
12:00 watch The People's Court
1:00 watch Judge Joe Brown
2:00 watch That 70's Show
3:00 hurry up and work out and then watch Dr. Phil
4:00 watch Girlfriends
4:30 do something just slightly productive whilst the TV is on
5:00 watch Bernie Mac
5:30 watch My Wife and Kids
6:00 watch King of Queens
6:30 watch That 70's Show
7:00 make plans with someone that involves alcohol
OR go to the mall
OR go moving hopping
OR go on a date with some absolute FREAKAZOID that I really didn't like anyway, but who bought my meal

Sure, the summer schedule sounds jammed packed with action, but really, I just sat on the couch all day. ALL DAY.

Here's my schedule now:
5:00 am wake up
5:05 am brush teeth
5:10 am take dog out
5:15 am put on running clothes and fill water bottle
5:20 am run a lot and sweat even more
6:20 am get back and stretch
6:40 am eat breakfast
6:50 am shower and rush like hell to get ready for work
7:30 am take dog out again
7:35 am leave for work
7:45 am play hall monitor for 20 minutes
8:20 am do school announcements
8:45 am start teaching
12:00 pm eat lunch
12:30 pm start teaching again
2:45 pm stop teaching, do extra school stuff
3:00 pm stand outside on the blacktop for 15 minutes, watching children, wishing I could just die before the heat kills me
3:45 pm leave school, go run errands
4:30 pm get home, tend to dog
6:00 pm eat supper
6:30 pm housework
7:00 pm return phone calls, mostly from my mother
9:00 pm get ready for bed

See?!!! This one is so much longer than the summer one! 5 am?!! What was I thinking...oh...wait.
I just stepped on the scale....NOW I know why I'm doing this.... I'm bigger than a Beluga Whale.


The Cliff said...

hmmm...there's no room in that new schedule for alcohol drinking....i hope you aren't forsaking that!!

Queen, III said...

Oh, dear Lord, no! That fits right in on Saturday night! Yea, Saturday!!!

The Cliff said...

I do like Saturday nights!!