Thursday, December 28, 2006

I Believe in Science, Part II

So, what did happen at the white elephant crapchange?

Practically nothing.

My "horrid cousins" weren't there. Thank jebus. However, there was a family there who wasn't related to us at all. I liked them.

My dad let me shoot his rifle. It's the first time anyone's ever trusted me with a deadly weapon. I'm not a good shot, by the way. I kinda hoped I'd be like Annie Oakley, but I'm not. The whole experience reminded everyone why they never let me twirl my fire batons at football games.

But back to the crapchange: hardly anyone stole anything because everything everybody brought was so crappy. I tried to liven things up by stealing a cheap pink watch, thinking that someone would steal it, but they didn't.

Let's just all thank heaven that my "horrid cousins" weren't there or I would have had to threaten them with my dad's rifle.

The think of it is, I only have two "horrid cousins," but they're both so excruciatingly boring that they make my head want to explode. When they walk in the room, the excitement level goes down about 10 notches. Fortunately, they weren't there. I thought they would be. But the weren't. So, consequently, it wasn't all that bad...even with the really crappy pink watch I was forced to take.

I still haven't given up my belief in Science, however. It'll take a Tiffany's bracelet to get me to convert.


Anonymous said...

How are things with SOAPM?

Queen, III said...

Pretty good. But, I've been gone for a week and a half, so we've just talked on the phone. Don't worry, though!! I'll update on him soon!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Are we related?! Our family sounds too close for comfort..

Moderator said...

Chicks with guns. Nice.

Queen, III said...

Winter...we could be related...but I'm a little frightened to explore my family history.

Queen, III said...

and grant's not nearly as glamorous as it sounds...

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Qiii!