Tuesday, January 02, 2007

ummm....i don't really know how to say this....

hmm...well...i guess i should come right out with it...

SOAPM and I might be dating exclusively....

(everytime I say that I feel a little panicky) I think this means that I'll probably have to go back to his dad's church. Next time I'll bring a pretty big fan in hopes to prevent the sweating.

So, you know what this means, right??? No more Hottest Guy and no more of the rest of them.

NO MORE!! It also means my dating life will be pretty boring and probably kind of sickening. So, I won't really be talking about it much....ummm....uh....unless SOAPM decides to do something totally boneheaded and retarded, in which case, you will ALL be hearing about it! At great length.

In other news, I spent New Year's Eve on a crappy South Texas Beach. It was cold and windy. And there was a knife fight between two men who were fat and clearly intoxicated. Also, some trashy women showed up to try and break it up by yelling, "God d*mmit, Marcus!! Get up! God d*mmit!"

It was pretty dang exciting.


Anonymous said...

Well, might I say congratulations...on not getting hurt in the knife fight!
I sure do hope, for your sake, that SOAPM doesn't do anything boneheaded...but it sure does make for interesting reading!

Anonymous said...

Aww rednecks and the holidays. Two essentials.

Happy New Year!