Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What to do...what to do...

I haven't exactly told every guy I was dating before SOAPM that I'm not dating them anymore....

I thought that maybe they would just sort of disappear, but so far, I haven't had a lot of luck with that. One guy that I went out with a LONG time ago (May) is suddenly blowing up my phone. Another guy, who is a bit more current, is finding it difficult to catch the hint (even though I think I'm laying it on thickly).

Aside: (Incidently, Hottest Guy hasn't been calling lately as he claims that one of those guys that got stuck on that mountain in Oregan was his "really good friend," and the grief apparently is making it difficult to pick up the phone. That and I think he was hoping to get "some" because he was sad, however, he found out the hard way I don't answer booty calls...even if your "really good friend" is tragically buried under 10 feet of snow.)

You see, the problem is that I've never had to break up with a guy unless he was a total f*ckwit, and none of these guys (now, of course, excluding Hottest Guy) are aforementioned. They may not be terribly interesting or intelligent, but they're certainly not total losers! And how crappy is it to be dating someone only to find out said someone likes another more than you?

It means you lose.

While I may have Miss Havershim tendencies at times, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news!


I'm going to have to grow a pair and tell the truth. Yuck. I'd much rather pussyfoot around this issue until it went away.

But maybe, just maybe, it will go away on its own! Maybe I won't have to say anything or hurt anyone's feelings and it will all just go away!

And I may be kind of a wimp for wishing for the mess I've made to clean itself up, but if there's one thing I've learned in this crazy life, it is: one must - above all else - hold on to hope.

That's what I plan to do.

Good plan, me.


Anonymous said...

The cool part about being straightforward and truthful is that you will get to be the one walking away from those conversations with your head held high, right into the arms of your man. I bet it will be a powerful experience for you!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of pairs that are grown, I don't think "anonymous" has any.

Anonymous said...

Boys are dumb. If you don't say it in deathly definite terms, you'll never be rid of him. Trust me. I have a pair.

Anonymous said...

I know how to break up with people. Just not so sure how to get together with them in the first place.