Thursday, March 08, 2007

SOAPM moves foward toward his ill fate

In addition to being on my ever-loving nerves, SOAPM and I still have to go to New York together.

Last night my mom begged me to not be mean to the boy, to not exclude him from the activities Forky and I were planning, and to not make him feel like "the third wheel," so to speak.

"Well, Mom, if he feels left out, he can just go call his ex-girlfriend."

He picked his fate, not I!!! NOT I, Mother!!

Ahh, SOAPM: a lamb to the slaughter.


Fork said...

Wait...he's tagging along with us? You didn't tell me THAT. I just assumed he'd go off to Harlem or something.

And I didn't just say that because he's black either. That really was the first random New York place that popped into my head. Random. Like "Chicken" and "Watermelon" and--wow. Even my random thoughts are racist.

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait until you blog about what happens!

You are evil Queen. Pure, undiluted evil. And I love you for it!

Moderator said...

New York City? I'll go with you to NYC.

Queen, III said...

Thanks, Jack!! I mean, people have called me evil before...but never UNDILUTED evil! I'm so flattered!

And Grant Miller, please, PLEASE join me in New York!! It will ease the pain of having to spend 7 straight days with SOAPM.