Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Little Pity, Please

Does anybody know how early 6:30 am is?? It's so early. So, so early. Incidently, it is also the hour that I have to wake up every morning. (Besides Saturday and Sunday.) And it doesn't matter how much sleep I get either, because I always feel really crappy when that alarm goes off. To put it lightly, I am NOT a morning person.

So, I'm asking you all to feel sorry for me. Really, really sorry. Because while the rest of you were working all summer, I wasn't and I got used to doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, so you's just so much harder for me!

Now, do you feel sorry for me?? My burder is SO much heavier because I only work 9 months out of the year! It's like being married to a rich man who buys you things and then he divorces you suddenly and oops! you signed a prenup! Darn the luck! But, if you had been poor the whole time, you would never know the difference, so it wouldn't be sad if you stayed poor. Don't you see?? I'm just like the woman who's rich husband dumps her for the younger bleached blonde with bigger fake boobs!! And I thought said rich man was in love with me and we would be together forever, so I signed the prenup!! The only difference is, I'll get married to another rich man next summer. But, it's still sad!!!

I imagine you're probably crying right now out of pity. Well, keep crying, honey! Cause it only gets worse! I have to work for 8 more months and 2 more weeks.

OH! And I only get 30 minutes for lunch.

So, please, oh please, cry me a river.


Anonymous said...

Truly it is a tragic tale to which you are trapped.

However do you cope?

Anonymous said...

Pity...loads of pity!
How dare the school district make the queen arise so early!!!

Tracy said...

Especially difficult if you're a night owl by nature. Hang in there, QIII...oh, and I like your new "picture".

Queen, III said...

TOSF, I am very glad that you recognize the tragedy that is my life. So few people do, you know..

Xannas - and if anyone could understand I KNOW it would be you. Thank you! Yours is a friendship I will cherish for always.

And Starshine: I am a nightowl by's like you really "get me!" Oh, and I was forced to find a new picture because my other picture's URL dissapeard from the web. Boo.

Fork said...

But what about your rich man who just got out of jail? Where does he fit into the equation?

Anonymous said...

I will pray the Lord ease your pain and your woes when I arise at 5:30 a.m.