Saturday, January 12, 2008

Did I Die?

No. I'm not dead. Just really, extraordinarily exhausted. The last two months of 2007 were ridiculous and it was all my fault. Also, I still can't blog at work.

I realize that all two of readers probably don't even read my blog anymore. I know that I wouldn't. In fact I don't. I haven't read my blog in two and a half months. Nor I have written anything. I'm surprised I still know how to write.

So, just in case anybody cares, although I doubt anyone does, here's an update: my man is still not in jail; I'm still doing hott yoga; I still have to wake up way too early; and it's still not summertime. But, all in all, things are pretty good.

Christmastime was mediocre. We had another White Elephant Crapchange and my Mamaw's house. I can't even remember what I got, but I'm pretty sure it was so crappy I threw it away. I mean, I think that I'd rather have gotten a can of green beans. At least I could have used that.

Spending time with my family was great, but I got soooo fat. Turns out, that I'm the heaviest member of my immediate family. It's amazing I have any self-esteem at all. I mean, all the members of my immediate family are emaciated, but that's not the point. I'm fatter than my dad AND my brother!!!! It hasn't kept me from eating, though. Apparently, I want to be morbidly obese. I've heard it's good to have goals.


GF Girl said...

Glad to see you're back blogging - I've been hoping and waiting... Btw stumbled across your blog back in November sometime - looking forward to new posts

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she's not dead! I didn't miss the funeral!
I've been checking in weekly...or monthly! I'm glad to see that you were just busy!
Missed you!

Just telling it like it is said...

I always think about you!!! I'm miss you girrlly..
P.S I got hit by a pt at work between the eyes...with metal...nose swollen and have to fly to florida sat for wedding...I took a pic...I know drama..I'm fine
love ya

Queen, III said...

Jenn! Glad to have you!! I will be sure and try to keep my blog especially updated just for you!

xanna and JTLII - thanks for missing me!!! I feel my self-esteem rising be the minute!!