Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nobody Loves Me

Listen, I know that my posting has been sporadic at best and I know that I have let all 4 of my faithful readers down. I know this. I know. And I'm sorry. I feel kind of like I've been cheating on all of you! The guilt I've been carrying has been just too awful, so even though I've done this about a hundred times, I'm recommitting myself, to you, my readers and to my blog as a whole. In fact, I've set aside time everyday to make sure that my blog is my first priority. And if this sounds dubious, I'll add that the time I've set aside is time that I'm also at when you factor that in, I think that you can have a little more confidence in my dedication.

"But, Queen," you say. "You've made this promise before! Why should we believe you??" Because...I'm blogging at work. Let me show you in an algebraic equation: Blog access at work + my questionable work ethic + my renewed promise to ALL my faithful readers = Blog Dedication. Don't you see, faithful readers?! Don't you?! The elements, as Dr. Watson would say, are coming together!! And maybe, slowly but surely, as I prove my dedication, 4 faithful readers will become 6 and 6 will become 10 and I'll be the happiest girl of all time!!!!!

I'm here for your daily reading pleasure. I promise. And maybe when I finally prove my loyalty, you'll love me as much as I love you. Maybe...just may be...

1 comment:

Unknown said...