Monday, November 06, 2006

I just couldn't wait

I don't want to overshadow today's previous post, as it is truly miraculous, however, today, not less than an hour ago, I got this email.

I'm not going to say how exactly I encountered this young man, but let's just say I know him very little.

It's a poem, and while I don't think it was written for me, I think he hopes that it will apply to me. It should make you want to die. (By the way, I've copied it for you here, completely unedited.)

"My love for you is as cool as the ocean
as we walked through the waves with love and devotion
my love for you is not as complex
it’s not just your looks or the great sex
it’s your personality that shines to me
being with you shows what love can be
I look at the picture that you sent me
knowing your waiting makes me happy
all the times we’ve spent together
I just hope the good times can last forever and ever
I never want anyone to tear us apart
a piece of you will always be in my heart......

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you believe dreams come true?
Do you believe in all this, I know I do!
I believe that dreams come true because
I have always dreamed of someone like you .
I believe in love at first sight because
it just felt so right when I saw you that night.
Now I believe, so, baby, please never leave ,
just stay with me and maybe you will finally see
that you also believe in me !!!

oh. holy. jebus.

I don't ever remember meeting this guy, and to tell you the truth, I have NO idea who he is. I mean, I can't really put a face to the name. He claims his name is Kelvin. I don't know a least I don't think I know a Kelvin. And whoever he is, we've certainly never had any "great sex." Nor have we had any "times together." And never, never have we "walked through the waves in the ocean." I'm soooooo glad I didn't give this guy my phone number. I must have really known what I was doing that night! (Except for that, I did give him my email address....but a girl can't be perfect!) My point is, I DON'T KNOW THIS MAN!!!

How many different ways can you say crazy???


Anonymous said...

You would like to think you'd remember great sex....or a walk in the ocean at least.

Queen, III said...

I know!!! And at the very least, if someone is in love with me, I'd kinda like to know what he/she looks like!

Queen, III said...

I know!!! And at the very least, if someone is in love with me, I'd kinda like to know what he/she looks like!

Moderator said...

I can't believe you posted that! I gave that to you in confidence. I'm a married man, for chrissake!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha...grant miller is the man!

The Cliff said...

haha...It wasn't me, My poems are always in Iambic Pentameter, more like sonnets!!

Queen, III said...

Sorry, Grant Miller. I guess trying to disguise you as an apparently uneducated man with poor writing skill named "Kelvin" was thinly veiled!! Next time I post your love poems, I'll try and disguise you a bit better!

Don Boscoe - noted!