Sunday, July 23, 2006

Equal Opportunity Woman

I was talking to my BFF yesterday and we were laughing about my make-out bandit days. The days when I would consistently have random make-out sessions with guys I didn't even know...or as I like to call them, the golden years. During this time, I really didn't feel the need to be in a committed relationship, and my life was a lot more fun. A LOT more fun. I'm still not really sure why I thought being in a committed relationship was a good idea, but I've now learned my lesson...the hard way.

Anyway, that's not the point. So, BFF and I were talking about the golden years and we realized that I had made out with at least one person from every race on the planet - except Asian. We debated a little on whether or not Middle-Eastern/Indian was a race, but since I've made out with a man of Middle-Eastern descent, it really doesn't matter.

So, what I've realized is: I'm an Equal Opportunity Woman. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be so proud. I do not discriminate based on race, creed, religion, or color! Sometimes, looks isn't even a factor!! I'm proud that I'm using my God-given gifts to bring about peace and unity! I can't believe I believed my youth minister when he told me that making out wasn't a spiritual gift, when, quite clearly, it is!!

However, there is still one problem: I've never made out with an Asian - and not because I haven't wanted to, I've just never been asked out by one. But if you are Asian and you want to help me out, just let me know!

Just know that I'm an Equal Opportunity Woman. There will be no discrimination in my caual dating or make-out practices. This is a promise! You can even get that in writing!


The Cliff said...

I think Middle Eastern and Indian are 2 completely seperate races. Take it from a guy who's lived in the middle east. Arabic and Persian are different, and they are both in the Middle East. SO, i hate to burst your bubble, but you've got some work left to do.

Queen, III said...

But, aren't there only 5 races in the world? No matter. Back to the drawing board!

Sarah said...

You mean the severe lack of antipersperant hasn't deterred you from the camel jocks? That's just sick. But then again, Matthew McConnaughey doesn't use it either and I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers.

As far as Asians go, find one of those rich, hot Japanese boys...just a suggestion.

The Cliff said...

hmmmm....Ok, to the Politically Incorrect mind, you may be 100% right. Sounds good to me. Can I pretend to be an Asian Guy?? Mickey Rooney did it in Breakfast at Tiffany's and i'm at least as good an actor as he is!!

Queen, III said...

Well, Don, if you're very convincing, then, of course!!!

Sarah - I agree. Man, I can't think of many reasons for which I'd kick ol' Matthew out of my bed!

The Cliff said...


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