Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm ooozing pharamones

So, apparently, if I were a piece of meat, I'd be the cut that all the guys want to eat. I can only attribute it to an unreasonable amout of pharamones. I'm not the most attractive girl on the planet. I'm not the thinnest, or the smartest, or the richest, or the classiest. So, I must give off some kind of scent that makes men think I want to have sex with them. Either that, or I look like I'm easy. (OMG! Do I look like a slut?!) There was a time in my life when I would have thought that was really cool. Now, it just makes me violent.

I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU!!! I don't even want to hop into bed with T.O.! I'm serious!

Whatever happened to good, old-fashioned, dating, where a guy just leaves you at the door, and doesn't try to get into your pants or your bed? I enjoy sleeping alone. I like my space. And whilst, I probably don't mind a well-timed make-out session, nothing makes a girl feel more disgusting than a guy who tries to weasel his way into her pants and then doesn't call her the next day. When does cheap, meaningless sex get old for you men?! Well, as I've said before, I'm sick of it. Maybe I should date a missionary... do they date?


Anonymous said...

Of course they do! Didn't you know that's what Don Boscoe is studying???

Queen, III said...

SHUT UP! You can study missionary?! I thought you just magically became one!

Grizham said...

Nope, we study to be such things. I guess sometimes in little churches you can go and apply to the board. But dunno.

But yes, all us ministry types study for it.

Fork said...

Uh oh. Who is it this time?

Queen, III said...

It's all of them. ALL OF THEM! That white guy I went out with, finding windsong, that other guy, that guy from new jersey, and probably someone else I've forgotten about...who knows! Does it matter? All anyone needs to know is, I'm a card-carrying member of the She-Ra Man Hater's Club!

Anonymous said...

I have heard that finding windsong guy is pretty fast...

Queen, III said...

jennifer, how much you DO know! But, what you really need to know is that he's not so fast as to get by me! That's right. I stopped him dead in his tracks. Go me! *sigh* I really am a spinster.

Sarah said...

You hit it on the nose since men can actually SMELL pheromones!...especially when the levels vary throughout the month. And kudos for fastening the chastity belt before the weasel made his way into the hen house. If every girl were that smart, men wouldn't act that way. Unfortunately there is an overwhelming population of severely stupid women.

Grizham said...

Stupid women need the most attention.

(Please name the quote I ripped off..)

Queen, III said...

I have no idea, gray-ham.

Unfortunately sarah, I have been that stupid woman. That's how I know better!! But it took me A WHILE to learn. Now that I've learned my lesson, though, I'm unstoppable! Maybe even a man-eater. (whoa-oo, here she comes...)

Moderator said...


I drafted T.O. on my fantasy team last year, but I'm allowed to keep three players from last year's team. Should I keep T.O.? He burned me badly last year.

The Cliff said...

WOOHOO for missionary dating...and WOOHOO for well-timed random make outs...BOO for pushy guys...WOOHOO for queen iii...now back to the West End...that's right..the don is in LONDON BABY

Queen, III said...

Grant Miller, my prediction is that T.O. will be well behaved for about two years. This year will be the best year to keep him on your fantasy football team. We'll reevaluate him next year.

Don Boscoe, the British are obviously having a positive effect on you! Cheerio!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Jenn said...

I'm pharamone city too...mosquito target.

Space is gooooood.

PS. Came by via the Cachinnator.

Anonymous said...

I am SOOO glad I happened upon your site!!! I feel better I was feeling bad thinking im the bad guy for saying no.Im recently divorced and I swear I have a sign on my back that says "divorced, horny, and ready!" I even asked the question to friends am I emitting slut? I pouporsely dress down and cut my waist long hair and I still get it. I was actually looking up pharomones on google when I stumbled on your blog. THANK YOU!!