Friday, April 28, 2006

I have a "friend"...

Don't really click here, this picture really can't do a lot for you.

No, seriously, she really is a friend and not me. What I'm about to talk about does not have anything to do with me - other than me having to listen to my "friend" talk about her dilema for a while now.

So, my "friend" (no seriously, I'm not talking about me) has been dating this guy for a while now (see, I told you I'm not talking about me) and he's older, but only like 41. This would be a big deal if like she was 24, but she's a little (I mean she's not old or anything - she's just not 21) closer to his age. Anywho - he refuses to just LET HIS HAIR GO. It doesn't even look that good. I've seen it. He looks like an old man, desprately clinging to his youth. Disgusting.

It's gross when a man spends more time fixing his hair than I do. I spend 15 minutes TOPS fixing my hair and no man who isn't gay should spend more than me. If you do, there's something wrong with you. Which brings me to my "friend." So, she's been dating this guy for a while, right? And he takes propecia. For his hair. Which doesn't really look good anyway.

If he had hair that was worth sparing, it wouldn't be so bad, but he doesn't and what's more, Propecia is clinically proven to turn men into eunuchs. That's right, men. Eunuchs.

He looks totally normal and hot, but he's a complete eunuch.

Being a eunuch isn't so bad if you're in charge of the King's Harem, but if your dating someone seriously, I GUARANTEE that your girl would rather you lose ALL your hair than you be a eunuch. Promise.

S0, to my "friend" and all the other women in the world who are trying to make it work with their eunuchs, I say lose him for a bald man! You'll probably be A LOT shall I put this....satisfied.


Anonymous said...


You really know how to call 'em like you see 'em.

Hair thickness has never been a factor as to whether or not I would date a man. Bald can be $e*y. And if you're losing it on top, a nice buzz cut is a good move. And as a woman, can I just say that I'd much rather my husband be interested in having $e* with me than having hair on top of his head.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

I have heard that male pattern baldness is related to excess testosterone. Maybe propecia works by dropping testosterone levels? Don't know, but that could explain it. It's silly, though. Bald can be sexy.

Queen, III said...

A-dub, I think you're right, actually. Problems really start to arise (no pun intended) when one who is on propecia also takes steroids! This often happens to men choking the life out of their youth.

Nervous - I'm glad we agree!! And I too, have a propensity toward bald men!

Anonymous said...

I ran into my brother over Thanksgiving. He's 4 years older than me. Now I'm not saying he's balding, I'm just saying his hairline might, might, be migrating away from his face. Since I use him as my crystal ball, I haven't cut my hair since. I'm growing out the biggest baddest mane of gorgeous man-locks you've ever seen. (Those of you who attended college with me may remember me with the long curly hair.)

Then at the first sign of a reduction in hair thickness, it's Agassi and never looking back. It's really the only option with dignity.

Queen, III said...

I agree wholeheartedly!!! Andre is hott!

Fork said...

Wait...what difference does it make if her boyfriend is a eunuch or not? She shouldn't be sleeping with him anyway! (Just saw an episode of Judge Hatchet where this girl had three different baby daddies. I'm on a renewed "no-sex-till-you're-freakin'-married" kick.)