Monday, May 01, 2006

And the hero of the week award goes to: Dr. NO and A-dub!!

It sucks when you think that your friends are good people and they turn out to be shit-heads!! No one likes it. That's what happened to me this weekend. A "friend" aka, my latest ex-boyfriend, said he would help me with something that was very important to me: picking up my beloved mural from the extravagant gala location. Not only did he not do it, but he didn't pick up his phone when I called - EVER! Now, I'm a fairly understanding person, but this I cannot understand. He left me completely stranded and abandonded with 64 square feet of paint, wood and canvas.

I was desperate. DESPERATE!! I had to get aforementioned mural out of the hotel, but had no way to transport it! The people who brought it to the gala were long gone, because, I, thinking I could rely on my "friend," told them not to worry about me, I had it all taken care of!! Silly, silly queen iii.
I called everyone I knew to see if they could help me. Naturally no one was home, but just when I though all was lost, A-dub and Dr. NO came to my rescue.

After a long day's work, Dr. NO picked me up in his truck, drove to the gala location and CARRIED my mural downstairs and packed it up in his truck. He saved the day! I wanted to cry out of gratitude, but held it in, since I know Dr. NO is a no-nonsense kind of a man!

So, thank you A-dub and Dr. NO for saving the day! You really are my heros and also great friends. Thank you. I think that I might just be in love...with both of you...but not in a weird way - I swear!!!


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Queenie! That is so nice! I didn't even do anything but pass on the message. N.O. is a pretty nice guy, isn't he? And I know he was happy to do it. By the way, last night we decided when we have a big place to live and some money to spare, we are commissioning a mural from you.

Ew, this mutual love fest is probably disgusting everyone else. :-)

Queen, III said...

I don't care!!! I've needed a mutual love fest! ;)
N.O. is a great guy!! You've got such a keeper!
And when you do get the space and the money, feel free to commission away! Whatever you want! (Except for snakes or oompa-loompas b/c I can't stand to look at either one for very long, even though I know that you would probably never, never desire a painting of either, I thought that I should probably make it clear, JUST IN CASE!)

Tracy said...

Okay. I realize that I've never met him, so it may be wrong of my to make such a bold statement, but here goes: I didn't like your ex-boyfriend before, and I REALLY don't like him now. You know what happens when you take the friend out of boyfriend? You are simply left with a boy. And you, my dear Queen iii, deserve a MAN!

Queen, III said...

And now I'm also in love with you, Tracy!!! Thank you! I do deserve a man! Ex-boyfriend does NOT deserve me! Oh, thank you Tracy! You rock!!

Anonymous said...

I've always thought ex-boyfriend was a loser! And I love you too, Q3! And Tracy, A-Dub, and Dr. NO! This is getting sick here! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!

Tracy said...


The Cliff said...

Wait a second...was this the Italian Ex-Boyfriend??? Did he at least wax your car?? Or was this another guy that I get to hate because he spurned my friend Queen iii...should i make some phone calls...use my power as Don Boscoe to have him sleep with the Fishes in the Brazos?? it the old Oompa-loompas with the green hair...or the new ones that you don't like???

I love everyone too!! WOOHOO FOR LOVE FEST!!!

Queen, III said...

Maybe we should make love fest a bi-annual event!!! We could just sit around and talk about how much we love each other! It'd be great!!!
Don boscoe- no, this isn't Italian ex-boyfriend. It's the latest ex-boyfriend. Italian ex-boyfriend is a decent guy, albeit a little simple. Latest ex-boyfriend disguised himself to be a great guy, but turned out to be a fantastic loser!
Also, it's the OLD oomp-loompas I can't stand...I mean, who can?!!

Queen, III said...

BTW - did I mention that I LOVE YOU ALL?!!!

Fork said...

It sounds more and more like you might still be holding a torch for Italioddo. Do I hear wedding bells?

Queen, III said...

OMG, forky!! How could you even SAY such a thing?! You're obviously trying to get a rise out of me, but it WON'T work!!! I should give credit where credit is due, you know. This is the same man who bought me MOST of my Tiffany jewelry and did put up with me yelling and screaming 50% of the time. But let's face facts, even on his best day, Italian ex couldn't handle all this woman!!!

Tracy said...

Sing it, Queen iii. My favorite line from any Austin Powers film was spoken by Beyonce Knowles when she said, "I'm Foxy Cleopatra, and I'm a whole lot of woman." If he can't handle the Queen, he don't deserve to be king! You know what I'm sayin'?

The Cliff said...

Well it's good that the latest ex-boyfriend who we now all obviously dislike is not the same Italian Ex-boyfriend who i was growing fond bells or not I have grown in my fondness for the poor dumb car-waxing sap.

I agree about the old school oompa-loompas...they're creepy...I always thought little people where cute...until i saw those guys!!

I love you all too!!