Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bored Out of My Mind

This is me, from sunrise to sunset.

I've gone from being incredibly, ridiculously, terribly busy and over-committed to incredibly, ridiculously, terribly NOT busy and under-committed.

This is WHY I over-commit. I fear boredom. Like the plague. And now I'm bored. I feel like I have the plague.

You'd think after the crazy few months I've had, I'd be eager to have nothing to do. I thought I would be, too. But, I'm not. I'm bored. so. so. so. so. very. bored.

There's nothing left to do at school. bored.

My house is clean enough. bored.

The guy I've been casually dating works all the time...or just doesn't want to see me anymore. bored.

Forky's ALWAYS in rehearsal. bored.

I'm TRYING to be good and NOT call any former members of the AlmaU football team that I may still be in remote contact with. bored.

I don't have any money, so I can't go shopping. bored.

I already balanced my checkbook...twice. bored.

Go Fug Yourself has only been averging 2 posts a day. bored.

Did I mention I'm really fighting the urge to call the AlmaU football team? bored.

BORED, BORED, BORED! out of my mind. What am I going to do?! My life without drama, adventure, and over-committing is a sad empty shell! Soon, I'll be on summer break. I'm terrified! I need something to do. I'm open to any suggestions that aren't crappy. Also, if anyone has T.O.'s number, could you help a sister out and fork it over? Thanks. I'm going to go bang my head against a wall.


Fork said...

Maybe you should spend your time obsessing over the fact that if you don't paper train your puppy soon, it'll never REALLY learn to go to the bathroom in the right place. Teaching your puppy not to bite people might also be good. "He's teething" isn't an excuse. At the risk of sounding like one of those oft-mocked animal trainers, it sounds like the little critter has zero respect for you.

I say pull a Joan Crawford. Show that mutt who's boss.

Queen, III said...

EFF YOU ,FORKY!!! You have a cat. you have no idea. My dog DOES have respect for me!!!! And for YOUR information, he's doing a lot better, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't judge me until you get a puppy of your own. Don't make me bring up the time you tried to toilet train your CAT!! I AM A GOOD MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fork said...

Dude, don't get mad at me. I'm just saying.

Also, yes I do currently have a cat. But just because I have a cat now doesn't mean my family didn't have a golden retriever.

Fork said...

You're a bad mother.

Fork said...

You still bored?

Queen, III said...

why do you mess with a mad woman like this? don't you know that I'm on the brink and you could very easily be the target of my aggression. i'm not a bad mother. i love my dog more than i've ever loved any boyfriend i've ever had. and that's saying something.

your family having a dog doesn't count. my family had lots of dogs and a cat. it doesn't count.

AND YES, I'M STILL BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and now i hate you.

Fork said...

No you don't.

Queen, III said...

YOU DON'T KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!! you see, i'm really going crazy. you just don't know. CRAAAZZY!!!!

Queen, III said...

and yes, i'm still bored.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

1. I, too, am crushingly bored. For me, it is called "old-school burnout with a major lifechange dangling just a few months away, taunting me." I find it pointless to do anything. So I surf the net.

2. I LOVE Go Fug Yourself. It is one of my favorite sites of all time. They really need to post more often.

3. Have you ever watched "The Dog Whisperer?" That guy's awesome. One day, I will have the confidence to own a dog because of that cute, crazy little Mexican dude, who inexplicably pronounces his name "Caesar" as in Julius, rather than "Seh-ZAR". I am not remarking on your ability to train your dog! I'm just saying it's a fun show and N.O. watches it 9 times a day, so I see it a lot. I'm sure you're a good pet owner.

Queen, III said...

Thanks, a-dub! I try to be a good pet owner. But, tell me, this dog-whisperer, is he on cable, or can I find him on KERA or something like that?

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Cable. I think National Geographic channel.

Queen, III said...

well, crappith! is it out on dvd yet?

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Yes, it is. He is really smart about the way dogs think--and he is very no-nonsense about telling people to quit treating their dogs like people. He teaches you how to be the "pack leader" so your dog will love you AND respect you.

Paul M. Sark said...

Thanks for the compliment on my blog. I really appreciate it. As you might imagine, I think you're great to think me a genuis. I'm happy to return the compliment. Your boredom riff is very funny!

Here's a boredom fighter for you: Make a list of the ways in which your life is similar to someone, like I do nearly every day regarding Me & George W. In your case, there's a lot of famous bored people, especially in literature. People in Russian novels particularly come to mind.

I would counsel against becoming an anarchist or a murderer out of boredom, however, as those Russians typically do.

Especially in Texas.

Tracy said...

You could always fake the stomach flu!!! ;)

Queen, III said...

Paul M. Sark, once again, you have BLINDSIDED me with your genius!

This will come as no surprise to many, but I think I choose to compare myself to Tess of the D'Ubervilles. It's not Russian, but might as well be considering how incredibly depressing it is.

I'm going to get started on this RIGHT NOW!!

Queen, III said...

also, thanks, a-dub! I'm going to go check it out!!