Monday, May 22, 2006

An All-Time Low

So, as many of you may already know from reading Forky's post about my emergency room stint, I was sick last week.

Now, I've had some stomach flu before. You just take some Phrenegen, sleep a lot and wish for about 24 hours that you could just die already. But this...this was the stomach flu of all stomach flus! I had never, in all my life, felt exactly like I did last Wednesday. I thought aliens were growing in my stomach. I didn't know what to do, so I called the Doctor - the on-call Doctor, of course. I told her I was having severe stomach cramps. She made a an "oh, shit" noise...followed by, "If your cramps get ANY worse, you need to go to the Emergency Room immediately." Great.

They got worse. I got my cousin to drop my pathetic, puking self off at the Emergency Room. I could barely walk inside. I was crying and speaking in very low tones (which, if you've ever been around me is VERY unusual for me), but I managed to check myself in. I found a place big enough in the window sill to lie down. It was a pathetic scene. But it didn't end there - oh, no!

Keep in mind that I had the stomach flu - at that point in time, I didn't know what it was - and that throwing up is a very key element in said flu. I made my way to the emergency room bathroom and proceeded to collapse by the toilet. I stayed there a good while and eventually just went ahead and dozed off, right there on the floor of the emergency room bathroom. And that was it - that right there was an all new low point for me. Falling asleep on the bathroom floor of the ER - and I just didn't even care. I was so sick, I just was thankful for a cool place in which I could remain horizontal.

3 1/2 hours later, they got me into a room, gave me a shot in my butt and a pill under my tongue and sent me home. And while I was thankful for the drugs, they didn't offer any consolation for having to put my face down on ER tile, but whatev. The drugs were strong, so I was happy.

All's well that ends well, I guess.


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Ugh. That sounds... unbearably horrendous. There is not much worse than spending the night alone in an emergency room, but when you add puking to the equation, it's actually one of the saddest things I've ever heard. I'm so sorry!!! I hope you're 100% now.

BTW, I am listening to "Gordon" by BNL on my mp3 player right now. Maybe I should be ashamed, but I'm not. Anyway, it always makes me think of you and freshman year. :-)

Queen, III said...

BNL always make me think of freshman year, too!!! And, for some reason that we both are too aware of...baked potatoes and ketchup.

I am 100% now, thank goodness!! And I was even able to take a bath after I got home from the emergency room, so I wasn't filthy for too long - just in case you were worried.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

I had to take N.O. to the ER recently (he's fine now!) and we went to Baylor because it was closest. Big mistake. After we got back and we showered and slept, I had to scrub everything in sight. Never felt so dirty in my life!

Baked potatoes and ketchup. You know, I haven't worked up any enthusiasm for that particular dish in quite a while. I'll have to try it again someday and see if it still "works."

Moderator said...

Are you sure you weren't trying to get someone's attention? Glad to hear you are okay!

Queen, III said...

Sadly, Grant Miller, I was not. Had I had my "game face" on, however, it would have been a great way to make someone feel guilty for NOT paying attention to me!! (bwa ha ha) But, at the time, I didn't even have the energy to make my cousin feel guilty for leaving me at the emergency room all by myself. She didn't even really have a good excuse...I should make her take me BACK to the emergency room, but this time, I won't really be sick, but pretending to be sick, and then I'll lay a big, fat guilt trip on her. So big, in fact, she'll be immobilized!

Fork said...

At least the doctors didn't ignore you, although I'm sure they probably tried.

Queen, III said...

They did try! But, I didn't let them. I cried, "I demand to see a Doctor! At least within a 5 hour time frame!" They waited 4.5 hours. close call.

Tracy said...

I'm glad you're feeling better now! So sorry you had to nap on the tile floor, though. Have a great week!