Friday, May 12, 2006

Who in the world is Grant Miller?!

Who IS he?!

And how did he find our blogs?!! The only people that read my blog are the people that I went to good ol' Alma U with. And a sprinkling of other people, and while I, of course, want to be the MOST POPULAR BLOG EVER, I am content with being just kind of popular amongst the people that I know.

But, I don't know Grant Miller! He found Forky's blog first, which made me curious, so I did some investigation and even participated in his delightfully entertaining and very active blog. Here's what I have ascertained:
He's 33. His picture is therefore fake, but funny. He is some type of journalist. He is married. He might live in Chicago or somewhere in the near viscinity. He has lots of friends who also have funny blogs. He's a White Sox fan. He doesn't eat ketchup on his corn dogs. But, who IS he? And how did he find us?! It's all so mysterious and I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!

Grant Miller, if you're reading this, throw me a bone or something! I'm dying! At least give me like ONE piece of the puzzle - SOMETHING!!! I like your blog and I like your friends' blogs, but I really, really need to know something about the mystery that is Grant Miller.


Grizham said...

You're right..It is kind of wierd.. he's like some sort of hilarious enigma

Fork said...

I think I like it that way! I mean, for all we know, we're hob-nobbing with a STAR!

The Cliff said...

He could be Damien all grown up!!!!!

It could be an OMEN!!!!

Forky brought this on us...with THIS POST!!

Moderator said...

It's explained here:

You'll have to cut and paste it, because I'm retarded.

Queen, III said...

Oh!!! Grant Miller!! It does not! You lie!! It's just making this all so much harder for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay....I guess you're not going to just REVEAL your identity. But, at least give me some clues or SOMETHING! I may die of curiosity!!

Fork said...

I don't know who he is, but he dropped the first-ever F-Bomb on the 42nd Floor! If my mother reads it she'll have kittens! KITTENS!

It's all terribly amusing! I hope he turns out to be some incognito celebrity.

Moderator said...

I hate to break it to you, but I am Grant Miller. That's my name. You can look it up, but I don't think I'm in the phone book. At least I hope not. And who uses phone books now except for grandparents? And I only accidentally stumbled upon forky's site and opened this can of worms. But I've read most of these blogs and they're all rather unique and enjoyable.

Sorry about being such a let down. But you're right, that picture is not "me" but it is a "Grant Miller." I found him on google image search and thought his picture (which dates from the early 1970s) was rather amusing. It was only a coincidence we share the same name. Perhaps in an alternate universe he's using my picture on his blog.

Moderator said...

And I apologize about the f-bomb. It was the only fitting word to express my thoughts. Tell your mother she can spank me. Actually, that'd be a little weird. Tell her to IM me? Weird still. Well, she can blame me.

Queen, III said...

OMG, Grant! Forky's mom is a Colonel in the Air Force (or was, at least)! She might spank you, but it might not be pleasant...
Anyway - Forky's blog needed the f-bomb dropped and I secretly suspect he received great joy from seeing it posted in so obvious a spot! First place!!! woot!
Also, I am not in the least dissapointed, just oh, so terribly relieved! My curiosity was just about to kill me!!!!!!!

Fork said...

Kind of like how your grief from breaking up with Whatshisface was going to kill you and how your love for T.O. is going to kill you and how not having any money is going to kill you and how your puppy's constant biting is going to kill you and how dealing with your parents is going to kill you and how your Morgellon's disease is going to kill you?

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

While you, Forky, are the king of understatement.

Anonymous said...

No no... A-Dub's right... Forky = hyperbole with skin.

Grant Miller, we are terribly delighted to have you with us.

Queen, III said...

Yes!! Forky!!! When I die of ALL those things, I'll say, "I told you so!" You'll see...

The Cliff said...

Grant Miller...I revoke my previous statement...I don't think you are Damien all grown was just theory (but i'll keep my look out just in case!!)

Tracy said...

Q3, thank you so much for dedicating a post to the question that was plaguing me as well. I, too, checked out Grant's blog and found it quite amusing. You never know who will surface in the blogosphere!

But when a mysterious stranger does, I know that Q3 will give me the 4-1-1.