Thursday, May 11, 2006

T.O., baby. You're makin' this hard for me! Seriously.

Honey, stick to what you know.

I knew it was out there, but I was avoiding it like the plague, kind of how my mother does about my drinking habit.

But, I finally decided I had to face it and see what was really going on with...wait for it...T.O.'s rap song. Oh, holy jebus. It's so bad. Tragically bad. Greek tragedy bad. Jude the Obscure bad. So bad, in fact, many people thought it was a joke.

Needless to say, this song has definitly put our relationship in the "we need space" department, which is so hard for me, because as most of you already know, I don't even really actually know him.

Who in their infinite wisdom thought this was a good idea?! Why didn't his publicist or agent stop him?!! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE EVER CONSULT ME ON THIS??!!! I love him. I have his best interest at heart! And yet, I am constantly ignored. The fact that I've never actually met T.O., or spoken with him seems an insignificant detail! I can't be THAT hard to find!

The song, it's broken my heart. BROKEN IT!!! I don't know if we'll ever be the same. Why, T.O., WHY?!


Fork said...

It's time to pick up the pieces, Queen III. As the wise man once said, "The bluebirds always sing loudest just before a storm."

Queen, III said...

Ummmm....I don't really know what that means. Are you saying T.O. is a bluebird? Because he's not. He's a Dallas Cowboy.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Just imagine how Tom Cruise fans must feel. Every day some fresh humiliation...

Fork said...

I thought that would inspire you. I was really close to saying something like, "If it's really love, you let it go and it comes back to you."

A little chicken soup for the spinster's soul.

Anonymous said...

Well, I may as well lay the crap on thickly too then:

In times like this, only remember, "To thine own self be true."

The Cliff said... and T.O. are in the "we need space" mode now....I wonder if there's space enough for a white boy on the other side of the world to make his move...(calmly sprays breath spray...just in case)

Don't worry...there's always a comeback for people who tried rap after succeeding in other things...
-Eddie Murphey went on to Make "Daddy Day Care"
-Shaq left L.A. out of sheer embarassment...but that came from a fail in the Rap world and a fail in the Acting world
-Chuck Norris (what he did to the Walker Texas Ranger Theme song could only be seen as bad rap) went on to kick a lot of ass

See there's still hope for T.O.

Queen, III said...

Wait?!! Eddie Murphy did a RAP song??!! Oh, no!! I'm not sure if I can recover from this.