Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Okay, here goes...I was wro...wro....oh! this is so hard to say...i was...wrong. wrong. I was wrong.

Jim Baker and I have a lot in common.

Wow! I pride myself on being fairly perceptive, on being "in the know". I mean, I was voted "Miss Know-It-All" of my senior class! And I'm sure that my classmates weren't mocking me. I KNOW they all gave me that title because I did actually know it all...right?!

So, it's not easy for me to admit when I'm wrong. Because I think I know it all. And that, my friends is my tragic flaw. Let me explain:

A week or two ago, I posted an entry explaining why it was not wrong to let my
ex-boyfriend wash and wax my car.
Please refer to it here. Please pay close attenion the comment section where several, SEVERAL of you told me that I was a fool. I didn't listen. I thought I knew what I was doing.

Yesterday, I received a text message from Italian Ex-boyfriend (sigh). It said, and I quote VERBATIM:
"I had a explicit dream about u last night. xxx style! lol!"

I am sick. I cannot believe this happened!! I was wrong. So wrong. Needless to say, I didn't respond. To those who warned me, I got what I deserved. You were right. I was wrong.

I guess that means I'll have to wash my car myself. Ex-boyfriends suck.


The Cliff said...

Well...if he had an xxx style dream about you because he waxed your car then that's just weird. I have dreams about some of my ex's but I don't go after them...maybe he just thought it was funny to have a dream....after you're comment on my page today...i may have dream too!! (just kidding...maybe)

Queen, III said...

You may be right, but I feel a little like he just told me he had AN explicit dream just to let me know that he still thinks I'm hot and that maybe because he thinks I'm hot, I'll think he's hot, but I don't. I just think he's creepy. sigh.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

EEEEW. That is the grossest text message ever. How do you even reply to that??? I was of two minds about the car waxing thing, but now I think it's time to cut this guy off completely, as he clearly has no sense of propriety.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Also, is the "lol" supposed to make it "fun" instead of "stalkerish?"

Queen, III said...

I know!! A-dub, I just DIDN'T respond. How could I respond to something as disgusting as that. I'm not sure that explicit dreams are even that hott when you ARE together...and the lol...I dunno, it just sort of makes it all worse, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this boy is also creepy and dirty in addition to being dim. Boys can do that. As for the txt... ew. Just... ew. I, your minister friend, would be happy to kick his ass for you. Just leave the dog behind and count your blessings that he's gone.

The Cliff said...

Ok, Ok, i had hi hopes for Italian Ex-boyfriend....not to be a non-ex-boyfriend...but at least to be a normal fellow. i guess i just can't let go. I have to admit that him admitting to the dream is a bit creepy. So sad...i had such plans for Italian Ex-boyfriend...oh well...Queen iii just say the word and he'll be sleeping with the fishies!!

Tracy said...

At least when you're looking at him in your rear-view mirror, you'll be driving away in a very clean car! But do drive away fast, Q3, drive very, very fast. Eeewwwww!

Queen, III said...

I know, Don Boscoe, I had high hopes, too! sigh.
and Tracy, I wish my car was clean, but alas! it is still dirty. He still hadn't washed it at the time of this horrid text message. And now I just can't bring myself to have any contact with him, so I guess Heidi Honda will just have to stay dirty for a bit!

Anonymous said...

Better a dirty car than a dirty boy.

Queen, III said...

Ain't THAT the truth!

The Cliff said...

Yes..I would definantly say it's beyond question...after such a text from (now referred to as) Creepy Italian Ex-boyfriend you should definantly stay away. I'll come wash/wax your car in August...i like washing/waxing cars...it's fun

Queen, III said...

I'm holdin' you to that, Don Boscoe!!

Moderator said...

Perhaps you can say "s-s-s-sorru...s-s-s-orry" Fonzie style.

Queen, III said...

The Fonze wasn't very good at admitting his shortcomings, either, was he?!