Friday, May 26, 2006

What I'm Doing Now

Nothing. I'm not doing anything. It's almost 2:30 pm and I haven't even managed to get out of my pajamas. I'm disgusting.

Something will have to change. I'm going to have to DO something...and whilst watching KERA IS in fact educational, I don't think that it acutally counts as doing anything.

I need to wash my hair...and my face. At least I've brushed my teeth! That's a start. If I had some money, I could do LOTS of stuff. I don't, however, so I'll have to be creative.

What to do...what to do....

I've already saying the phrases Paul M. Sark suggested for me practice. I'm pretty good at saying them, too! You shold hear me!!!

Anyway, I think that in about 30 minutes, I'll start to work up the motivation to WRITE DOWN some ideas of what I could do with all my free time. My commitment to my faithful readers is that I WILL HAVE MY DAILY SCHEDULE POSTED BY MONDAY!! This way, you can all rest easy that I'm not just wasting my life away while you all have to go to work every day.

I wouldn't want there to be any resentment between us!

Did I mention that I get paid to do nothing for 2 months and 2 weeks?


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

I'm SOOOOOOO envying you right now! You know what you should do? Window shop. N.O. and I went to IKEA last night to buy some new furniture (which I'll probably be blogging about soon). That place is a wonderland. I could live there. (Well, there or Pottery Barn, but the stuff at IKEA is so much more approachable.) But it was late and N.O. was with me so I couldn't loiter as much as I wanted. I even went back on my lunch hour today to exchange something--and I had to go just right in and out! If I had nothing to do, I'd just go play there. Is that pathetic?

Anonymous said...

Summer job?

Queen, III said...

No, a-dub. That's not even a little bit pathetic! Thanks for giving me a GREAT idea, too!! I think that I'll be heading up to IKEA myself very, very soon! And be spending A LOT of time there.

Cach - PLEASE!! What's the point of being OFF for the summer if I just work all the time?!

Moderator said...

Learn a foreign language? Enroll in a pottery class? Sit around and blog? Wash your face or hair?

Anonymous said...

Get a fun job that you don't care how much it pays! Do something you like and consider the paycheck a plus. Like get a job at your favorite store just for the discount. Since you have your teacher income steady, just resolve not to spend more than you make working at that store.

Or do something noble like volunteer at the crisis pregnancy center or the rape crisis center. That's like a major contribution to society and it should also cure you of all pressure to get involved with dumb men too!

Or put your Jr. League skills to good use: volunteer to do an outdoor mural in a park for the city or neighborhood. I bet you get taken up on the offer!

Just no sitting on your butt complaining all summer!

Tracy said...

Honey, staying in your pjs til 2pm is part of the kick-off celebration of summer va-ca. Enjoy it, sister! Can't wait to see your list.

The Cliff said...

I could use someone in Everycity to extend offers to people they can't refuse...ever thought about being a Mafia Hitman...doesn't pay well, but like Cach said whacking people is a fun job who cares about the paycheck

Paul M. Sark said...

Thanks for trying my advice. I hope it's still working for you!