Thursday, June 08, 2006

High As a Kite

So, I've had this horrible headache the past couple of days. I attributed it to allergies, so I took a Zyrtec at 1:30 in the morning. I planned to get up at 9 am. I'd get plenty of sleep and what a day I had planned!!! I was so excited about it! I was going to get things done! Whoo hoo.

My alarm went off at 9 am. I found that I couldn't move. Really, really couldn't move. I thought maybe I just needed 10 more minutes of sleep. I hit snooze. My alarm goes off 10 minutes later. I find that I can't move. I think that maybe I just need 10 more minutes of sleep. I hit snooze. My alarm goes off 10 minutes later. I find that I can't move. I think that maybe I just need 10 more minutes of sleep. I hit snooze.

This continues for about an hour. I hit snooze one last time, but the alarm never went off again. Apparently, the snooze button runs out of energy. Damn, you, snooze button.

Anyway, I ended up sleeping until 11:30. I finally woke up and realized that I was as high as I had ever been. So high. Higher than that time...uh...I mean...what?...I've never inhaled anything illegal...

Folks, Zyrtec is the strongest drug I've ever taken - hands down! Forget the Ruffies, date-rapists, slip him/her a Zyrtec! They're much easier to get and you can claim you were just trying to help him/her with their allergies.

I had to stumble around for about an hour before I was ready to do anything! At least I caught one episode of A Different World. Because it's a different world from where you come from. Yes, it is now.


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Last night watching the Mavs game, I giggled every time they said Dwayne Wade, because it made me think of Dwayne Wayne.

Speaking of drugs that make you high, I had to buy some Primatene tablets the other day, and they practically made me register like a sex offender before I could get them! I guess I kind of get why, though, because damn. It's like speed for asthmatics.

Queen, III said...

Seriously. Why do drug dealers even mess with the Meth labs? They should just get the stuff and sell it on the streets - especially since they make it so hard to buy it!! I, mean, do they really think that it will help?

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

I hate meth dealers. They make it difficult to buy OTC drugs, they blow up buildings with their stupid labs, they dump toxic waste, and they look really ugly. Plus, you know, they're drug dealers, so... what's to like???

Moderator said...

Thanks for the tip!

Tracy said...

What is Whitley up to these days?


When you come down off that Zyrtec high, we'll all be here to jolt you right back in to reality by reminding you about that whole "Eldorado" thing.

Happy weekend!

Queen, III said...

Thanks, Tracy. Thanks.

And a-dub, Dwayne Wade, also makes me laugh - a lot!!! Did he and Whitley ever end up getting married?

Cup said...

Damn, I never knew Zyrtec could be so, so ... I'm off to visit my pharmacist

Cup said...

BTW, found my way here via Grant Miller's site ... he seems to be the center of the blogosphere these days.