Friday, June 23, 2006

Tired of It

Are there no good men in the world?! Are they all either gay or married by now? Should I rob the cradle, finally give in to my next door neighbor who has been pursuing me ever since the last break-up, let my Italian ex-boyfriend really "wax my car", or maybe just become a lesbian?! I am so, so sick of it.

I mean, let's just be honest. All the guys I've ever dated didn't deserve me, because I'm hot and practically a genius. I'm good with power tools, and I love to watch sports. Also, I'm stacked. Do they really think something better is in store for them?! However, all the guys I've ever dated have treated me like they were God's gift...apparently to me. Ha! And I'm sick of it. Just sick. Sick and tired of love. Sick. Sick. Sick.

I give up. I'm tired of it. I'm just going to give in to my one true love: TV....and maybe T.O. At least I'd know up front that he was an ass. I think that would give me great peace of mind.

So, T.O. it is. T.O. and TV. Awesome. What could be better? Nothing could be more perfect. I'm excited about it. Go me.


ML said...

What about TiVO, it sort of combines both your loves (or at least their intials? Hope you don't mind I commented. I sort of blog stalk you and some of your friends. I am somewhat legit..catch knows rex who knows me. I'm like your 3rd cousin twice removed in the blog family.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

I feel a Madeline Kahn song coming on!

Queen, III said...

A-dub - it's like you can read my thoughts! Uncanny!!

ml - I have an open door policy on my blog! Feel free to comment all you want! The more, the merrier!

Grizham said...

Q3, I do not know what to say. Perhaps its just Everycity which has allowed itself to get snooty over the years and thus males have changed? Trust me, I have seen the same happen with girls from everycity. Nice ones, let alone hot ones that watch sports are hard to find.

No, what you usually get from that area girl wise, are chicks (pardon the term) who go looking for a guy who is

A. Popular
B. Ripped in some fasion (I cannot blame them)
c> Is going to make the Money

yeah, Money.

Trust me, these girls migrate down here for the fall, along with their Males who are so cocky that it makes me laugh. (Trust me, I often get death glares from these so called d00ds) so eh? Maybe, don't give up hope? try churches and synagogues?

Moderator said...

Only practically a genius?

The Cliff said...

But i'm not in have to wait for me to get back to loos all hope!!