Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I can't blog at work anymore. They took it away. Again.

This has to be considered employee torture. You can't just let me do something, then not let me do it, then let me do it AGAIN, and then TAKE IT ALL AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!! It's clearly going to send me over the edge. How dare you Everycity Independent School District!! How DARE you! I'm going to have to take some Zoloft to balance me out after this bad rollercoaster ride!

So, despite this recent tragedy, I have more news:

SOAPM and I are no longer dating exclusively. It was totally my move. It turns out that that the only man who could ever bore me was the son of a preacher man. Being such a "good guy" is, in reality, incredibly boring. So, I broke off the exclusivity of it before I died from boredomitis (a very real and tragic disease).

You see, according to him, "exclusive" means that he's not dating anyone else and he spends relatively little time with me.


To sum it up: attention whore + guy who doesn't give much attentions = DISASTER.

So, I had to do something. Because he was just not giving me the attention that I need...and I need A LOT of attention. So, I thought it would be better for him in the end if I spred my attention requirements around a little. Kind of like delegating....

Anywho, I feel a lot better! Because, for a second there, I thought I was the one who was boring and it was resulting in a lot of confusion and uncomfortable questioning.

But, what you need to all know is I'M BACK! No more commitment for me!!! No more wise choices, either!!! Fun, foolish, kiss-happy Queen is back!!!

Did you miss me???


Anonymous said...

Blogging from work should be a right!

Just be glad you can use the net at work though! We have 3 computers at work (ok, work is small!) and ALL of them have been rejigged to deny internet access.

Fight the good fight!

Fork said...

Wait! No! You're making a huge mista--I mean... That's right, Kristen. You can't leave the mens high and dry. 'Specially not with you being the prettiest woman in town.

So if you can't blog at work, how did you manage to post this? Who are you? Houdini's Internet Hacker Daughter?

Fork said...

Or girlfriend?

Unknown said...

On the contrary, my love, I think this was a very wise choice. The man WAS boring. I mean, he couldn't even order FOOD without being boring. Taraji told me he didn't like him that much anyway---and he obviously judged Tryggvi for having allergies. I hate him.


Queen, III said...

Thank you. I will keep on keepin' on.

check the time of the post, genius. Also, I gave up TV for lent, which leaves me with a lot of free time.

this is why you're my BFF. *sigh* I'm totally in love with you.

Fork said...

Please don't go all lesbian on amy, Queen III. You know how I hate freakin' lesbians.

And, for the record, we could feel his boringness all the way up here in New Yorkitown.

Fork said...

Hey, wait! Now that you've had a falling out that probably rivaled Pompeii, does that mean you're coming up here alone?

Queen, III said...

Alas! No. But he's so boring that it'll feel like I'm alone. Also, I'm not telling him that your play is a lusty partially-nude post-modern train wreck. Isn't it going to be fun???!!

Fork said...

You should tell everybody what you plan on exposing SOAPM to on your upcoming trip to Noo Yuck.

Moderator said...

They will pay for this!