Friday, September 08, 2006

Men!! Oy Vey! (aka, Hauty Mutterings of a Cranky Spinster)

I know you're all sitting on pins and needles, just waiting for the next hi-larious entry about my misadventures on the match-dot-com, but today I mun' needs vent.

Men. *sigh* *double sigh* For reals. I understand, believe me, I DO understand. But really. Really. You're just all so lazy!

Yes, I know, I guess technically I can't lump you all into one HUGE
group, but today, YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!!!
I'M SO FRUSTRATED!!! that I can't possibly focus my frustration into specifics.

The story is a familiar one: there's this guy, you see, and I like him more than I like most guys, meaning, I don't hate him. He wants to see me, so I, being the benevolent, gentle creature that I am (please stop laughing), rearrange my boring, yet full schedule, so that he can see me. Fine. I can do this. No problem. I'm an excellent time manager. In fact, I'm just an excellent manager. In fact, I'm just excellent. Period. Okay. So, I successfully rearrange my boring, yet full schedule to accomadate. I'm so, so generous and giving. Things are set. I'm a little inconvenienced, but you know, who cares, it'll be fun! Right?

Yesterday, I get an email. An email. From said boy. Basically it says that he's too much of a pansy to manage his time correctly and is now really stressed out and can't come to Everycity, blah, blah, blah. He's going to totally make it up to me, whatever, whatever. Now, I am slightly irritated by the content of the email, but I can certainly understand being completly stressed out and over-committed. I mean, we all remember the hullabaloo centered around this fiasco. So, I understand. email?!! AN EMAIL?!! I was irritated. Grow a pair and call me. It might be more painful, but trust me, it is WAY more manly. WAY MORE MANLY. Don't be less of a man than me. I would have called.

Okay, so I'm irritated, but I work through it and call him to clarify. He elaborates on ALL the stuff he has to do. I choose not to mention here that I'm waking up at 5 am every morning to run miles upon miles and then go and teach 100 students every day. (Yet another example of my overwhelming generosity.) He concludes by saying that he's not sure if he's not coming, and it all depends on how much work he gets done in the next few hours. (Whatev. Just grow some balls and tell me that your not going to follow through so we can just get it over with.) He says he'll call tomorrow.

Fast foward to today. Lovely, lovely day. I woke up this morning thinking how nice it would be to spend the weekend all alone. Maybe do some painting and some movie hopping, take a little break from the running, watch some movies and sleep late. I, of course, was anticipating that said boy would call me moaning and whining about HOW MUCH HE HAD TO DO and officially cancel.

I get into my classroom this morning, turn on my computer, open my email, and there, waiting for me like a snake in the bushes, is an email. From said boy. I sigh a heavy sigh. He still hasn't grown any. I open the email. It is, as anticipated, his official cancellation. HOWEVER, I really, really thought that said boy would actually call me to officially cancel. But no. An email. AN EMAIL!!!! That is just one, measly step above TEXT MESSAGING!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!! HATE IT!!!! just effing call me. Just call me. Just be a man and call me!!!!!!!!!
don't make me crazy!!!! Don't make me write a blog entry about you. Please. I don't want to be like this. BUT YOU FORCE ME TO IT!!

Men, don't be lazy. And be brave. If you really want to get some, be manly. Most heterosexual women (and some not hetero) find that incredibly attractive. Manliness. Try it, you'll like it!

No, seriously.



Sarah said...

Sounds like he's terrified of blind dates and possibly very shy...which is why he didn't call. Give the guy a break. Why don't you put a disclaimer in your profile that you don't respond to email dates and cancellations and that they must have the balls to call. That will weed out many of the terribly shy and spineless men.

Queen, III said...

Well, see...I'm not on match-dot-com anymore! This is a guy I know via my professional community (he's a musician), so this isn't even a blind date!!! We've been seeing each other for a couple of months now!!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, he sounds like a whimp. And I'm with you, Q, I can't be more manly than the man I'm dating. That's just creepy!

Queen, III said...

Maybe I should tatoo, "Pansies need not apply" on my forehead...or at least my lower back...

Sarah said...

Yeah, you definitely need a disclaimer.

Anonymous said...

Can you please send him an email with a link to this post? Please?

Cup said...

I got the e-cancellation from an online beau-to-be recently. Infuriated me. His reasoning? He wanted to include a link that further explained his cancellation. A LINK? Letitia Baldridge rolled in her not-quite-yet grave, I'm sure.

The Cliff said...

So's guys like this that give the rest of us a bad name. THe internet should be used for good, not for evil...

Fork said...

Maybe WOMEN should try NOT taking things so freakin' personally! I'm in the middle of a HUGE move and Debbie Sue gets her panties in a twist because I can't give her an entire evening of my time to...well...sometimes, I think WOMEN should try not to take things so PERSONALLY. ESPECIALLY when a brother has stitches on his head and is about to quit his JOB! HONESTLY!

By the way, I just drank a lot of wine so it may be the booze talking.

Queen, III said...

FORKY!!!! I'M TAKING THIS PERSONALLY!!!!! First of all, I wasn't that upset, I was just irritated.
And secondly, how dare you lump me into a group of melodramatic, disillusioned,unhappy spinsters. Spinster? of course. Melodramatic? always. But dissillusioned?????!!! and unhappy????!!!! never. (and by the way, I complain when I'm happy, so you can't use my blog as proof of my unhappiness)

And cach - I think I'll save it up for when he does something truly boneheaded. It turns out he's a little bit like Buster Bluth. I don't want to sent him into a complete downward spiral....I'm not that much of a bitch! (usually)

Queen, III said...

Oh, and Beth, my complete and total sympathy is with you. A LINK?! A LINK?!!!! Wow. I'm speechless. It really doesn't get much worse than a link. What an idiot.