Monday, October 09, 2006

Let the Great Experiment Begin!!!!

I know that I said that I totally kicked the really hot man from Trinindad (or RHMFT) to the curb, and I did. But, as I was talking to my BFF the other day, she had the bestest idea EVAR!!!

Me: So, I'm kicking RHMFT to the curb.

BFF: It's probably for the best. Even though he is really hot.

Me: I know. It was hard to let those rock-solid abs go. And man...those biceps! Hot damn! But, a girl's gotta do, you know?

BFF: You're right. What an idiot he was for talking on the phone to ANOTHER girl right in front of you. Even if it was his sister, he should know better.

Me: For reals. What a dummy.

BFF: But, hey, didn't his best friend try and holla' at you that night that you and RHMFT went to the club?

Me: Yeah. He totally did. It was super-strange.

BFF: Okay, well what if, instead of totally kicking RHMFT to the curb, you start a little trouble?

(My ears perk up. There is a vital history that I must inform you about here: Whenever my BFF tells me to do something, no matter how ridiculous or stupid, I do it. One time because I followed one of her suggestions, I ended up smelling like dead deer carcass. But, you see, it doesn't matter. And as long as I live, I will be constantly following her suggestions. She has good suggestions! Seriously.)

Me: Some trouble, eh? Like what kind of trouble??

BFF: Well, why don't you see what happens if you start calling RHMFT's friend? You know the one that tried to come over to your place the night you went to that club with RHMFT?

Me: Oh, you mean, A-man? (A-man is not his real name, by the way.)

BFF: Yeah, A-man. Well, what if you dated both of them at the same time?

Me: Hmmm.... yes. That could cause A LOT of trouble.... I'll do it!!!!

Now, I know you're all thinking, "Queen, this is a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad idea! Don't do it! You'll be sorry!"

And you may be right, but I failed to mention that I've done it before and it really didn't end that badly. And while I was in college at the time, I seriously doubt that most guys really mature that much in just under a decade. But that's not the point!

The whole point of this mischeivious plan is for me to get a lot of attention while doing to guys what they do to girls worldwide. Now, I'm not going to keep secrets from either one of them. If either of them want to know if I saw the other, I'll be truthful. I won't tell them the EXTENT of what goes on, but I'll let them know that I am indeed in contact with the other. (I'll just be omitting the juicy parts.)

My prediction is that these two guys will end up being just as silly as girls are with boys who give them the run-around. We'll see. That's what this experiment is all about!! What's gonna happen? Who knows?? But whatever happens, it will probably be messy and dramatic. AND WHO COULD ASK FOR ANYTHING MORE????!!!! BWA. HA. HA!!!!


Grizham said...

I think this is a bad idea...I really do.

Moderator said...

This is an accident waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooh.... Q3.... this is cosmically bad...