Monday, October 16, 2006

Oh. holy. jebus.

Turns out A-man is married "for real" and not "for fake" because his wife just called me. And according to said wife, RHMFT is married, too. Has been for years.


I didn't even see all this coming! I couldn't plan better drama even if I tried!

RHMFT says that he wants to explain himself.

A-man is sending me threats. I got this text message from him this morning:
"Do not involve yourself in anything further or bad things may happen. This is not a threat but you should treat it as one."

He's crazy. And now I think I'm going to have to call my lawyer.

Let's see, so to date:
I've broken up a marriage,
Unwittingly become an adultress,
and been threatened by a Canadian.

Not exactly what I bargained for. Now, I really have a mess on my hands!

I'll be filling in more details later, but right now, I have to go get a TRO! Laters!


Anonymous said...

I'm, well, totally speechless.

Are you doing okay?

Queen, III said...

Of course! Generally Canadians aren't very violent, so I doubt he'll follow through on that threat. Also, all my friends are real ghetto, so I'm not worried about protecting myself, either...especially against a Canadian. And about RHMFT, well, I was almost completely blindsided by him. But, even from the beginning, I knew something was not quite right...he was just too perfect. He claims that he wants to set things right with me...I'm not sure how he's going to do that, but I'm interested to find out! And don't worry - I'll blog all about it!!!

Moderator said...


I like reading your blog. But I'm really glad I'm not you.

What would T.O. do in this situation?

Queen, III said...

he'd go screw his publicist.

Anonymous said...

Again, Queen, your fab'lous looks and magnetic personality have got you into deep defecation yet again. Why can't these people just see that you are to remain untainted with their Geraldo drama (Geraldo in the good years-before the safe of Al Capone) and save your love for a good don't know but the future dates-based on your, ahem, record- I think they should be......wait for it.....American.

Did Geraldo have good years?

Queen, III said...

I'm not really sure if Geraldo had any good years, to tell you the truth....he's certainly not having any good years lately!!

Anonymous said...

Q... *sigh*