Monday, January 29, 2007

Donde esta la Queen??

Sorry guys. I suck. Since I can't blog at work anymore, I sometimes lose the will to blog after having to deal with 5 year-olds. So, sorry. I have lots to say, too. But we're throwing all that to the wind today because:

Today's my Birthday!!!!

I'm 17. Or somewhere around there.

And my bestie, Forky, has written a HI-larious (although somewhat embarrassing) blog in honor of this sacred occasion. So, head on over to the 42 floor and let's all focus on ME!!!!


Tracy said...

Happy Birthday, QIII!!!

Anonymous said...

Three Cheers for the Queen!! *Cheers, cheers, cheers!*

BTW, I think I recognized one of the guys in the pictures...

The Cliff said...

Happy B-Day...well 1 day least I remembered...well actually Forky wrote about it and I saw there and then came here...but at least I acknowledged it!!