Thursday, November 17, 2005

Blah de blah, blah, blah

So, last night I went to a friend's play. He was great in it! But the play...left much to be desired.

I don't understand how the writers of post-modern crap are making ANY money, but they do. People buy their stuff because they think it's experimental and good. But, it's crap. Pure crap. I'm all for being silly and sometimes not making any sense, but I would never write the nonsense of my life down on paper, then add some crazy mess like squids and plastic owls and blind milk maids and try and pass it off as literature! It's sinful what the post-modernists are doing to this art we call theatre.

First of all, the general populous finds theatre unappealing when compared to movies and instead of doing anything about our dying art, we write a bunch of crap that no one can understand and only crazy people like! This is doing nothing for the advancement of theatre. We have it within our power to bring art to the common people, but we choose to make it too hard for anyone to understand, thereby alienating over 50% of our population. THEN, as if that isn't enough, we're snotty about how "the stupid people" just don't understand our complex art. Twidlywinks!! We could make our art accessible, but we don't. We could write about universal truths that speak to all men, but we don't (at least not always). And we wonder why substanceless musicals are so's because they're turning into the only kind of theatre that's accessible and entertaining!

When did the theatre become such an elitest club? We have a history of being gypsies and pirates, sailors and whores. Why are we trying to act like we all belong in the governer's mansion? I'm sick of it! I just want to be entertained.


AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Weird, I left a comment hours ago, and it disappeared!

It was something along the lines of--I totally agree! So frequently you're watching some veeeery out-there "postmodern" stuff, and you just look around the audience thinking, "Am I the only one who can see that the emperor has no clothes?"

Queen, III said...

That's exactly what I was thinking!! The emperor has no clothes!! Hey - what time should we be there for the OCC party and should I bring anything?

The Cliff said...

Amen and Amen...If we go back to our history is it possible to be all of those things mentioned??? Gypsie, Pirate, Sailor, and a Whore?? If so where is my Delorean?? It's time to go back to a day when Theater was theater and stuff that didn't make sense was saved for the Ball.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Boscoe, I thought the stuff that didn't make sense was Saved by the Bell, not the ball. And I would LOVE to see more pirates in theatre.

The Cliff said...

Saved by the bell makes total sense....Don't you remember Jesse on Caffeine pills?? "I'm so excited...I'm so excited...I'm so (breaking into over dramatic tears) Scared"

Then again they did graduate High school twice...Saved By The Bell - Post-modern before its time.