Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Have Found the Secret to Happiness

It's called Summer Vacation.

What joy is mine!! Last night I went to the pool at midnight. It was awe inspiring. There was no one there and I seriously considered taking off my insignificant bathing suit, but eventually decided it was too risky. But, oh! What fun!

I can sleep as long as I want, watch A Different World twice a day, and go swimming at midnight. What could be better?

I recommend everyone take a summer vacation! It's the best! Just make sure you're getting paid for it.

In other news, my whole family is in Canada, but they didn't invite me. Something about how if I wanted to travel the world I should have gone to a state school or some ridiculous nonsense like that! If I DID go to a state school, how could I possibly justify hanging my diploma in the ridiculously gaudy frame it stays in currently?! Do you even get diplomas at state schools?! Anyway - whatev. I don't need 'em. Go to Canada, family! Go! I DON'T CARE! And when, one day, I'm famous and all the Canadians love me because I endorse the Bare Naked Ladies, I'll make sure to get them to DIS-invite you to their country. Unfortunately, you probably won't be missing much, but at least VENGANCE WILL HAVE BEEN SERVED!!!!!!!!!! bwa. ha. ha.


Fork said...

I'm so proud of you. This is a real step. Give yourself a hug today--you deserve it!

The Cliff said...

I support Bare Naked Ladies...on the beach, at the pool at midnight, or the popular singing group...

If you need me to call the canadian mafia and put the fear of Canada in your family...I have some connections!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, three days off the job and you've got happiness figured out. Nice work, Q3.

AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

"Fredo, you broke my heart... by not inviting me to Canada." Naaah, Don Boscoe, I don't really think it works.

Tracy said...

Glad you're happy! I want two months of vacation!

Queen, III said...

It's been at least 5 days, Cach.